Although I am sad to see the summer pass, I welcome Autumn with open arms. I will miss the beach and the ocean, the hot sun and the frozen cocktails, but mostly I will miss having the summer off! So, so long sweet summer. Bring on the fall!
School has now started and the work has begun. The cool air and the falling leaves just feel so comforting at this time of change. I personally love this season because I feel the temperate weather is just right! It is not too hot and it is not too cold. It is perfect! I love to see the leaves change colors. From green to red, orange, and brown. It is truly amazing.
Another word for Autumn is Fall and many people use these words interchangably. I like the Fall because it is a great time for holidays and activities. Football is back. Halloween and Thanksgiving are right around the corner, which means Christmas and the New Year are close behind! What is your favorite thing about the Fall? My favorite things to do in the Fall include pumpkin picking, apple picking, haunted houses, and football games. How wonderful does that sound? I went to the Giants opening game last week. I went with some friends and we had great seats. We tailgated before hand. We made some food and played some games. It was such a great time and the Giants won! I plan to go pumpkin/apple picking soon. I went last year with my boyfriend and we picked out the biggest pumpkins we found and then went home to carve them. It turns out that I am not a very good pumpkin carver. We also brought home apples and sweet treats. For Halloween last year, my boyfriend and I dressed up as Popeye and Olive Oyl. It was a big hit! I wonder what I am going to dress up as this year. Any good ideas? I didn't get to go to the haunted house last year. My sister went and said she had an amazing time. I plan to go this year. I love scary things, so hopefully it is as creepy as she described. As far as Thanksgiving goes, who doesn't love some turkey, stuffing, cranberries, and yams. Mmm I'm making myself hungry!
So as the cool winter breeze starts to sneak up on us and the hours of sunlight each day are slowly decreasing, I will be busy with school, work, and enjoying all these fantastic things I just described. Before we know it, we will all be surrounded by a winter wonderland, drinking hot chocolate, and indulging in a variety of pleasurable activities.
So breathe in the breeze, check out the leaves, and put on some sleeves because Autumn is here to make us all pleased! :)
Vocabulary Review
Temperate: (adjective) moderate in respect to temperature; not subject to prolonged extremes of hot and cold weather
Interchangably: (adjective) capable of being put or used in the place of each other
Haunted: (adjective) inhabited or frequented by ghosts
Creepy: (adjective) having or causing a spooky sensation of the skin, as from horror or fear
Indulge: (verb) to yield to, satisfy, or gratify
Pleasurable: (adjective) to give pleasure; enjoyable; agreeable; pleasant
Vocabulary Practice
1. The majority of the time, words that are ___________ in a sentence are known as synonyms.
2. Fall and Spring are two ____________ seasons of the year.
3. People tend to ___________ themselves with food at a buffet.
4. That pitch black streets were so ___________ that I got goosebumps all over my body and I was trembling.
5. Another stop in my journey through Italy would have made my trip even more _________.
6. That house had to be __________ because I could have sworn that I saw ghosts!
Grammar Point - Verbs in the Past Tense
I used some verbs in the past tense in my blog because I was talking about some of the things that I did last year. For example, started, went, and dressed up. These are all verbs describing what I have done in the past.
Practice: Put these words in the past tense.
What is your favorite season?
What are some activities you like to do during that season?
What do you plan to dress up as for Halloween this year?