Thursday, November 5, 2009

Take Me Out to the Ball Game!

Yesterday was game 6 of the World Series and the Yankees dominated over the Phillies 7-3. Everyone was anticipating this game, praying and hoping that the Yankees would win, since the Phillies made a come back in game 5. However, some people even thought the Yankees purposely lost game 5 in Philadelphia because they wanted to make their World Series win in their new Bronx stadium. Good call Yankees.

Matsui drove in 6 out of the 7 runs and was named Series MVP. This was the first time this title has gone to a Japanese-born player. However, Matsui is now a free agent and I am hoping that he plays for the Yankees again next year! Andy Pettitte and Mariano Rivera did a great job pitching the game, which kept the Phillies off balance and behind on the game.
The Yankees secured their 27th championship title, while ecstatic fans poured out of Yankee Stadium to celebrate. Once the Phillies got that last out, the stadium went wild. All the players on the team jumped up and down, screaming for joy, while fans roared with excitement.

I can not wait for the parade tomorrow and neither can Jeter, which he stated during a post-game interview. New York Yankee fans are crazy and true. This is going to be one heck of a celebration!

Vocabulary Review

: (verb) to rule over; control
Anticipate: (verb) to expect; look forward to
Purposely: (adverb) intentionally
Ecstatic: (adjective) of or characterized by ecstasy
Roared: (verb) to utter a loud howl as in excitement, distress or anger
Celebration: (noun) the festivities engaged in to celebrate something

Vocabulary Practice

1. I wore that suit ____________ to make a good impression.
2. After the game, we went out to _____________ the victory.
3. Megan ___________ loudly to the funny joke.
4. A tall pine tree ____________ the landscape.
5. They were _____________ when they found out they got tickets to the game.
6. He ____________ each of my orders.

Grammar Point - Adverbs

An adverb modifies another type of speech. It can indicate manner, time, place, cause, or degree and answer questions such as how, when, where and how much.
Example: Purposely
Practice: Write 5 sentences using adverbs.


What is your favorite sport?
What is your favorite team?
Has that team ever won a big game?


  1. I like the Yankees, but I generally only watch the World Series and no other games. Half of my family are Mets fans, and the other half are Yankee fans.
    Did you go to the ticker tape parade?

  2. Nope. Unfortunately I had to go to work, but I watched it on TV!
